Thursday, January 31, 2008
Femeia nu-i ca omu'
via Emil
Burger King in Romania

In sfarsit se va deschide Burger King si la noi! La sfarsitul anului trecut s-a semnat franciza. Banuiesc ca se va deschide intr-un mall care e in constructie.. acum sa vedem in care :)
O sa intram si noi in randul lumii mancand whoppere :) :) :)
later edit: am descoperit si o sursa oficiala.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Vine ATB* pe 8 martie?

Vine ATB pe 8martie la Bucuresti in Kristal? Site-ul oficial ATB anunta ca da, ar veni. Mai anunta ca vine chiar si la Timisoara. Pe se confirma. In schimb anunta cu totul si cu totul alta mancare de
Deci.. WTF? Cine ne lumineaza?

update 9 martie:
poze aici.

QuickBlock e un super joc freeware compatibil cu orice smart phone Sony Ericsson cu UIQ3. Tot ce trebuie sa faci e sa te misti si sa ramai in viata. E destul de obsedant si imi aduce aminte de un joc identic pe calculator, numai bun de jucat in perioadele plictisitoare de la birou.
Am record pana acum de 56 de secunde. Si sper ca o sa creasca!
se ia de aici.
A modern kid's school day

La noi, in cazul puilor de ciorbari autohtoni cred ca e mai popular un profil de hi5 cu multe multe comment'uri decat un blog.. sau mai stii?
foto via The Cincinnati Enquirer
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

*Suport pentru ICQ, Yahoo!, AIM, MSN, Google Talk, Jabber
*Smiley'uri specifice fiecarui protocol
*Transfer de fisiere (doar pentru Yahoo!)
*E inca in curs de dezvoltare, asa ca sugestiile se fac pe forumul producatorului
Pana acum.. cel mai bun program de genul asta.. dupa parerea mea! (a nu se confunda cu fring, care am spus ca e cel mai bun pentru voce - via Skype)
Se ia de aici.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Who the fuck is Elodia?

Cazul Elodia este un subiect prost. Tot ce e prost se vinde. Normal!
Ideea e ca m-am saturat de personajul asta pana peste cap, chiar daca nu am mare habar despre poveste.
In ciuda ignorantei mele, iata ca Elodia a devenit atat de populara incat i s-a facut profil si pe hi5, comunitatea care incurajeaza prostitutia intelectuala prin tzaranisme si profiluri cu cat mai multe bling bling'uri.
Si pe cine are Elodia la 'Friends'? Mda.. ati ghicit!

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008

cea mai tare aplicatie pentru VoIP nominalizata si la Sony Ericsson Content Awards 2007
compatibila cu:
Skype, MSN Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk™, SIP, Twitter, AIM & Yahoo!™
se ia de aici.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Am intalnit si oameni bolnavi. Bolnavi rau.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Romanian profanity (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
These are words generally used of or toward a person, expressing strong distaste in them or their actions.
Fundaş, poponar, curist, bulan and găozar all refer to male homosexuals, roughly the equivalent of "faggot", literally meaning something like "ass user". All of these words are derived from other slang words relating to the anus or buttocks. A word formed in a similar manner is pizdar, which is a womanizer or "skirt-chaser": someone who is obsessed with women. Bulangiu, which is generally translated as "faggot", is used of a man who doesn't want to do something that he should do. It is a harsher equivalent of "slacker". There are many other words referring pejoratively to male homosexuals, but those discussed here are generally the most common.
A puţoi is the possessor of a puţă (see below). It is used either as an insult towards someone suspected of having a small penis, or a rough equivalent to "punk", that is, an immature boy that tries to act "tough".
Nenorocit, originally an old popular phrase, that literally translates as "unlucky", is now used in a powerfully pejorative sense, similarly to "motherfucker" in English. It is used mostly in the vocative form "nenorocitule".
Lăbar and labagiu are rough equivalents of jerk-off. They are used to describe a male who masturbates more often than is absolutely necessary.
Peşte, which literally means fish, colloquially refers to a pimp. The women who work for a peşte are: curvă, târfă, traseistă, botanista and muistă. Muistă & botanistă refers to a prostitute who specializes in fellatio. There is a male equivalent, muist that means "cocksucker" and generally refers to a homosexual male. Târfă also means "bitch" in some contexts.
Mai multe aici.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Glume la telefon
- Alo, aveti capatana de porc?
- Da.
- Si picioare de porc?
- Si...
- Urat trebuie sa mai aratati!
rahatul ala de P1
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Mobile codes!

What are mobile codes?
'Mobile codes' are codes in the same way as ordinary barcodes are, but their matrix structure can hold more information. The codes are also mobile in the sense that you can use the camera on your mobile device to scan and decode them.
You can convert a web address (URL), a phone number, an email address or plain text into a mobile code. After scanning it with your camera phone, you will have instant access to the encoded information straight on the display of your mobile device.
Mobile codes are increasing in popularity. You can find them these days pretty much anywhere: as tags on flyers and posters; on business cards and CVs; in magazines and blogs; offline and online. They are a great way of sharing information with friends and communicating your message to strangers in a fun way.
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