Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Trojan Horse

All credits go to Jay.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

O masina de kkt?

Ce-i de-nteles? O masina de kkt, dintr-un oras de kkt din Ungaria!?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Benny Lava is teh Shit!

This is the best response video to the "Benny Lava" indian song :)

And here are the lyrics:

My loony bun is fine Benny Lava!
Minor bun engine made Benny Lava!
Anybody need this sign? Benny Lava!
You need a bun to bite Benny Lava!
Have you been high today?
I see the nuns are gay!
My brother yelled to me…
I love you inside Ed!
My loony bun is fine Benny Lava!
Minor bun engine made Benny Lava!
I told a high school girl…
I love you inside me!
I’d love to see you pee on us tonight!
You feel me up with doom.
Quit looking up at me!
You got a minute girl?
The puppy had a fee!
Don’t think I do love her
We’re looking in a pill!
All of them like the bun!
Now poop on them Oliver!
You know the hole to put it!
Your pundit got armor!
Who put the goat in there?
The yellow goat I ate!
(I like to swim in it)
(I like to swim in his)
A nerd to punk a nerd.
I’m bleeding Fucking A!
That stuff is pink colored!
Some day I sell DNA!
This boar ain’t very cool.
You need a Hindi yew!
Got into Seattle.
I’ll lay a friend of yours!
I fought a barber man!
We know what’s in butter rum!
A jet pack… operation…
Send him the crazy Hindu!
Whatever! My Sadist!
All baked and cooked alive!
I lick you… Belinda…
The ninja made a movement.
Tell Donna… No collar…
I’ll do what body loves!
I put papaya there.
You love me inside there!
Have you been high today?
I love you inside me!

lyrics via

Indian Clip with "Subtitles"

I'd love to see you pee on us tonight! :)

via Ataraxis

Saturday, September 20, 2008

F*** Me, I'm Famous!

Autumn collection 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yes.. this is post no. 200. Thanks to all of my friends!

Thanks Porky for sharing the image.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Meet Smiley

Say hello to my little friend :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Crazy Jokes In Student Homes

Yes (and this is the 3rd post in a row starting with 'yes'), this is what I call the real shit!! :)

via Natalia

GTZ* Goes Eco-Friendly

Yes! And so it is, I've decided to take some measures to protect the environment a while ago but I still haven't done anything yet... so I thought about using linen bags instead of plastic ones. Just 'google' the words "plastic bags" and take a look at the images there... you'll know what I'm talking about.
As a coincidence, a few days ago, I saw some news talking about a tax on these plastic bags in super markets, just as in other countries.
So screw the plastic bags!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Teh New Nanoz

Yes! The new generation of iPod Nano is here, more powerful than ever, featuring one nice piece of accelerometer!

8GB - $149
16GB - $199

The Shuffle is cheaper! - $49 for the 1GB model

Will Apple's iPod line be revived this way?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Scarbavnicul Madular!

Textul de lege ce sanctiona violul, in perioada domnitorului Nicolae Mavrocordat:

“Celui ce va fi prins cu stromeleagul invartosat
primprejurul partilor fatatoare ale muierii i se va
taia scarbavnicul madular, intru vesnica lui

[multumim Natalia ca ne-ai impartasit asta!]

Sick Facebook App

WTF? This is sick! :-s

Bunny Letter Opener

Monday, September 8, 2008

How many men does it take to open a beer?

How many men does it take to open a beer?
None. It should be opened when she brings it.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Don't drink Coke

...coz it hurts your liver!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

because walking sucks

The clock on the oven

How do you fix a woman’s watch?
You don’t. There is a clock on the oven.

Chrome. Google Chrome.

Bine-nteles ca si eu testez noul browser de la Google, Chrome si anume. 

Buton de instant bookmark, address bar = search bar, daca e vreo problema cu una din paginile deschise, nu e afectat tot browserul, ci doar tab'ul deschis etc.

Ce nu-mi place e ca nu exista "open", ci doar "save".. sau nu stiu eu sa fac?

se ia de aici.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008

Darkfall isn't just a game!

Will Darkfall change the face of online gaming? Will it kill WoW?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Chicken Salad with Wild Rice on

Kathy Maister's is wicked!

via eclection - hilarious shit!

Cyanide and Happiness is probably the best webcomic I've ever seen. The awkward silence while the characters are staring at each other is killing.

see the comics here
get the facebook app here

Thursday, August 28, 2008

'a merita' nu e verb reflexiv!

Frate.. a merita nu e verb reflexiv! Incetati sa mai folositi expresia 'se merita'. Deja devine deranjant!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Way Out West - Spaceman. Live at Glastonbury 2008

Sa asteptam, pai ce naiba!

Asteptatul e inca o specialitate specific romaneasca si ar trebui adaugata pe lista, alaturi de sarmale, mamaliga etc. La naiba!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Amstel ruleaza!

Amstel la ordinea zilei!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Telepopmusik la Fabrica

Baieti si fete, se intampla Telepopmusik la Fabrica pe 12 septembrie, gen.

evenimentul pe

Telepopmusik - Don't Look Back (John Tejada Remix)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Crappy Job

Aviz amatorilor :)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

McLovin ID Maker

We all know McLovin. We all know he's the man :)

Get your own Mclovin ID (bribe free!!) :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008


An ampersand (&), also commonly called an " 'and' sign," is a logogram representing the conjunction "and". The symbol is a ligature of the letters in et, Latin for "and."

A blog devoted to probably the most attractive punctuation mark of them all, the ampersand.

Extinction Timeline 1950-2050

According to this, blogging will be extinct by 2022 and post offices, direct marketing, WW1 survivers, free parking by 2019. Google lasts only till 2050. :)

via LikeCOOL

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Biggest Drawing in the World

With a GPS and DHL, August Zachrisson drew a self portrait on our planet.

more on

GPS Drawings

more on

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Top 10 Mistakes By Entrepreneurs

1. Under-valuing the importance of your management team (i.e., staffing with friends or neighbors; delaying personnel decisions; devoting too much time to your technology or your product and too little to developing your team).

2. Attempting to build your business around rocket science (zealously pursuing your technology but overlooking the business opportunity; failing to address how the technology solves a real problem in a cost-effective manner; failing to focus on the needs of potential customers; failing to achieve balance between your technology’s primary function and advancing the broader value proposition of your business).

3. Assembling the wrong ownership group (choosing among potential investors based on highest bid; failing to understand investor needs in advance; choosing investors whose styles are dysfunctional or who do not bring added value).

4. Over-valuing the business at critical junctures (over-valuing when fundraising or selling; As a corollary, we noted that another related mistake was not fully evaluating term sheet provisions that affect the valuation).

5. Failing to communicate with important constituencies (over-promising and under-delivering; overlooking or not addressing the evolving needs of your investors, of those who regulate your technology, or of your customers, of the rest of your team).

6. Failing to tap knowledgeable advice (not seeking tax advice, accounting advice, or IP advice at the appropriate time; failing to properly utilize the Board; listening to the wrong people; selecting an entity structure not well-suited for the business or an unnecessarily complicated capital structure).

7. Fear of dilution or loss of control (raising too little capital; investing too many personal assets in the business).

8. Spending too much for too little (spending too much of what little you have on items that provide too little benefit).

9. Partnering too early (losing control of a business opportunity or your brand to a customer or strategic partner).

10. Failing to understand the changing roles of founders (recognizing the appropriate time to transition).

read more

Monday, June 2, 2008

Nu pogodi!

Haha! Cine mai tine minte? Am toate episoadele :D

zaietz! :)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wall-Street da o chiftea

Ne pare rau! Metro nu e retailer, dupa cum ii zice si numele, e 'Cash & Carry'. Naspa, aiurea, cam nasol, Wall-Street!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Super Oferta!!

Eh? Cine poate rezista unei asemenea oferte?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Get Out Clause - Videoclip pe camerele de supraveghere

Daca pana acum am oferit solutii pentru lipsa de parfum si pofta de bere, uite si o solutie pentru a filma un videoclip fara a avea un ban. Asa ca.. toti wannabe'shtii din domeniul muzicii, cascati ochii aici!

The Get Out Clause este o trupa din Manchester care nu si-a permis sa angajeze o echipa de filmare pentru videoclip. La urma urmei de ce ar fi facut asta? Au performat in fata a 80 de camere de supraveghere cu circuit inchis (pe strada, in autobuz, in fata magazinelor etc) iar apoi au cerut materialele filmate. Era dreptul lor conform legislatiei (Data Protection Act). Zeu e gogu care s-a gandit la asta! Plecaciuni!


MUTO - A Wall-Painted Animation by BLU

via candyjar

Cubeecraft - download, print, cut, fold!

Multe, multe personaje cunoscute pentru decupat :) in fiecare saptamana cate unul.
Ce-mi placea sa fac asta cand eram mic!

via Like Cool

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Marketing vs PR vs Advertising vs Design vs Branding

Brand Illustrated
A lighthearted look at the relationships among marketing roles
by Marty Neumeier, author of ZAG

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Stop Motion Animations by PES

Hi-Fructose has posted a great collection of stop motion animation videos by PES, including the amazing “Game Over”, featuring scenes from arcade games.

Game Over



via Laughing Squid

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sa lingem reclame!

Toata lumea cunoaste (cred!!) reclamele mirositoare din reviste la diverse parfumuri/deodorante/odorizante. Aveam o vorba pe tema asta acum ceva timp: "n-ai bani de parfum, te freci cu 3 d-alea".
Eh.. iata ca au aparut si reclamele pe care poti sa le gusti. Dezlipesti, dai o limba! Aici din pacate, daca n-ai bani de ceva, cred ca degeaba mai lingi 100 de mostre :)
Initiativa apartine companiei de marketing First Flavor.

via The Wallstreet Journal

Sunday, May 4, 2008

1 mai la mare

mda. am fost de 1 mai la mare.

In La Mania, la Lee Burridge a fost naspa, nu ne-a placut.

In schimb, la SunWaves a fost neasteptat de bine.. Luciano stia el ce face.

Concluzia.. Nu-ti mai face planuri in functie de altii ca n-are rost. Motherfuckeri.